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Creating a safe space for you, your feelings and your story is an important part of my working style. You can come to each appointment as you are. I won't be giving you any specific homework assignments. It is my job as a psychologist to guide you through each session in a way that is helpful to you. The process can be tailored to meet with your personal needs. It can range anywhere from a one-time consultation to a longer therapeutic process.
My style of working is based on attachment theory and mentalization. Increasing understanding of your feelings, emotional needs and life experiences in a safe therapeutic setting can help you overcome your challenges and feel better. I am very much of the opinion that anyone of us can experience difficult feelings and circumstances at some point in life. In these situations, therapeutic help can greatly improve one's quality of life. There shouldn't be any reason to feel bad about seeking therapy.
I have a Master of Psychology degree from the University of Helsinki and my license is approved by the Finnish National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira). I have worked for over five years doing family counseling and therapeutic parent-infant counseling with both Finnish and foreign background families from all around the world. I have worked treating and assessing adults with both mild and severe mental health problems. I have an extra training and certificate in occupational health psychology and I am currently also working as an occupational health psychologist at a private health clinic.
Given my 10 year long work history in the Finnish mental health and social services, I can also help you with assessing the need for possible other services and finding the help you need.
Psychologist, Espoo - Mirjam Solomon
Visakoivuntie 23, 02130 Espoo, Finland
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